Non-12-Step Addiction Treatment Center in Truckee-Tahoe, California
Our Holistic, Evidence-Based Approach To Treatment
At Crow’s Nest Ranch, we have deep respect for the holistic and evidence-based model because it has helped countless individuals learn to overcome addictive behaviors, and go on to lead healthy, fulfilling substance-free lives.
We acknowledge the strengths inherent in the 12-Step philosophy, such as admitting one cannot walk the path of recovery alone, admitting one’s past wrongdoings, making amends to those one’s substance abuse has hurt in the past, and so much more.
Additionally, 12-Step groups often provide those in recovery with a vital sense of fellowship that does wonders to combat the sense of isolation that many feel during this critical time. -
At Crow’s Nest Ranch, we recognize that no two people (or patients) are the same. Your story and the circumstances that brought you to us are unique, so your treatment plan should be too.
We use an integrative, relational approach and utilize mindfulness practices, creative expression, somatic, nature-based modalities and evidence based therapies like: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Neurofeedback, and utilizing the right tools for coping and recovering from the root cause of the pain experience.
Our passion for recognizing and working with cultural concerns for all people shines through our understanding of how situational circumstances can be the root causes of addictions and mental health symptoms. -
At Crow’s Nest Ranch, our patients involved with our non-12-step programming are provided with their own personal therapist to ensure that they have the opportunity to address any underlying concerns that may have contributed to the onset of their addiction. In this private setting, patients work with their therapist to process any issues that might come up during treatment, to set both short- and long-term goals for recovery, to work on developing greater self-awareness, and to learn healthy coping tools.
Substance abuse is typically an attempt to self-medicate and mask the pain or discomfort one has experienced in his or her life. Treatment at Crow’s Nest Ranch’s holistic treatment center is designed to help our patients create a new life that does not necessitate self-medicating, but rather, fosters a desire to remain grounded in the joy of the present moment. We accomplish this by acknowledging that addiction is comprised of a complex mix of biological, psychological, and social factors, all of which must be addressed in the treatment planning process.
We believe in providing alternatives to this traditional path. Our alternative to 12-Step program includes many multifaceted treatment modalities including:
Individual therapy with expert clinicians
Opportunities to attend community support meetings - yes including 12-step meetings!
Group therapy
Yoga classes
Jiu-jitsu classes
Muay Thai classes
Personal Training & Fitness Classes
Outdoor & Adventure Therapy
Lasting recovery is never the result of a one-size-fits all methodology, and at Crow’s Nest Ranch, we are committed to providing a holistic approach to addiction recovery. Our expert clinical team draws from a variety of eclectic approaches to provide individualized care throughout the treatment planning process. Recognizing the connection between the mind and body and addiction and mental health issues, our team utilizes a trauma-informed, client-based perspective that affirms the inherent strength of each individual who comes to us for care.
At Crow’s Nest Ranch, we understand that recovery is a life-long process, and we work to address the challenges that our patients will face upon returning home to their daily lives after their time in treatment comes to a close.
We are committed to helping identify the issues that have fueled their addiction, and then creating a treatment plan that fosters the adoption of the healthy coping skills required for continued success long after leaving our center.We work with our patients to co-create personalized aftercare plans that encourage them to incorporate the skills and strategies that they have developed during their time with us into their daily routines at home.
We believe that attending 12-Step programming in one’s community can be a vital part of an effective and comprehensive aftercare plan, and we encourage our patients to seek 12-Step support as part of their efforts to maintain sobriety as appropriate. -
To learn more about the effective treatment for substance abuse that we offer at Crow’s Nest Ranch, including the details of our holistic programming that we provide, we encourage you to reach out to us as soon as possible. Our staff is available to answer any questions that you may have about healing at our center, and to help you start the admissions process for yourself or for a loved one today.
See What Our Patients Are Saying About Us
“I was discharged from the hospital at 2 AM with nowhere to go and the only person I knew to call was Jordan. He picked me up, got me a hotel room, and coordinated getting me into treatment.”
— Dan M. of Truckee, CA
“Counselors listened without judgment, helping me unravel the complexities of my addiction and the underlying issues that contributed to it.”
— Samantha D. of Incline Village, NV
“I couldn't have done it without the support of Crow’s Nest. Thank you for believing in me when I didn't believe in myself. I am eternally grateful!”
— Hayden H. of Olympic Valley, CA

Action Over Apathy
We understand that collective action is essential in creating change. Our love for our home and our community here shines through the environment, treatment, and care provided to all of our patients.
The beauty of the North Lake Tahoe area is often overshadowed by the harsh reality of high living costs, many residents grapple with the dual challenge of financial strain and substance abuse issues. With the high cost of living leaving little room for extra expenses, accessing critical substance abuse treatment becomes an unaffordable luxury for many in this tight-knit community. Donating to our scholarship fund for residents seeking substance abuse treatment is essential in addressing this gap, providing much-needed support to those who are struggling to break free from addiction while managing the financial burdens of daily life. Your generosity can help ensure that these individuals receive the help they need to reclaim their lives and build a healthier future.
Donating to our scholarship fund gives new life to people who have lost theirs to addiction. You’re giving new life to people who have lost theirs to addiction. You’re giving families their sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, and friends back.
Jordan Brandt
A Marketing Executive who knows firsthand the pressures of being a high-achieving professional and the unique challenges of overcoming addiction while maintaining success.
Brionna "Bee" Miner
Former Administrative Director for non-profits in the state of Oregon, Bee is inspired by her path in recovery as well as those in her family.
Matthew Whalen
As a financial director for one of Tahoe's largest conservation non-profits, Matt’s passion for helping our community stems from is own path in recovery.
Emily Battaglia
A non-profit executive and grant writer with a passion for recovery due to having family members who are on their track of sobriety.
Stephen Wiggs
A local grade school teacher with a passion for helping our local community and credits North Lake Tahoe for gaining his own sobriety.
Fern & Aengus
Junior Pawject Managers
Known for their dynamic ability to turn any stressful situation into a pawsitive learning moment, Fern & Aengus never turn down a good send along the lake.
Giving FAQs
All donations made to Crow's Nest Ranch Sober Living go toward our scholarship fund to offset the costs of helping those in our community who lack the funds to receive quality care for their substance use disorder.
Crow's Nest Ranch is a registered 501C3 non-profit organization. We send every donation made on this website a receipt for your taxes.
We have giving programs designed for foundations, corporations, and large and small individual donors. Contact us today to learn more!