Commuting Through Cause-And-Effect
Cause-And-Effect - phrase
the principle of causation.
"the post-Cartesian attempt to see everything as governed by simple laws of cause and effect"
the operation or relation of a cause and its effect.
"cause and effect play an important part in the universe"
The choices we make can dictate the quality of various aspects of our life and it is imperative to understand that actions can have either positive or negative consequences. Perhaps this can also be considered ones “karma” for lack of a better term where good choices result in positive outcomes, improved life situations, greater happiness, better interpersonal relationships, and enhanced physical and mental health. Inversely, bad choices result in the worsening outcomes, interpersonal conflict, and social isolation, and also take a negative toll on your emotional health and well-being. We as addicts have a tendency to increase our suffering by making bad decisions and creating any removal of suffering more difficult.
Enjoy this guided meditation focusing on The Power of Karma by Positive Magazine Meditation