Destined & Determined
Determination -de·ter·mi·na·tion /dəˌtərməˈnāSH(ə)n/ noun
firmness of purpose; resoluteness.
"they advanced with an unflinching determination"
the process of establishing something exactly by calculation or research.
"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.”
To work hard and try your best is the first step in determination, but, it is important to incorporate realism here too. If you do not then you will overly criticize yourself or interpret variable outcomes as failures. It can also be associated with the concept of “Right Effort,” from the Buddhist Noble Eightfold Path. While I try not to always rely on the Buddhist path for many of these adopted concepts, this one is taken straight from the Confucian philosophy, where diligence and a strong work ethic are emphasized and seen as keys to success. Not everything in life is easy, and retaining sobriety while dealing with the many tribulations of life makes it that much more of an uphill battle. That is why dedication and having the “right effort” can be one of the most important principles for preventing relapse because even if the day sucks. Even if the world made you feel as if you walked into a room and had a water bucket topple onto your head. If you stayed sober. You still have that as your ultimate win. Doesn’t matter if your work, family, social life, or physical health are laying into you with new levels of stress. When you remain determined in your path of sobriety you will continue to win each day.
Enjoy this guided meditation focusing on Self Discipline by Positive Magazine Meditation